Mike Anderson came to Missouri in 2005 after Quin Snyder helped crumble a once proud basketball program. Within three seasons, Anderson had guided a Mizzou squad to an Elite 8 and a Big XII Championship. Since then, however, his last two teams have appeared to get progressively worse and in 2011 the team has won a total of two true road games. After last nights dismal performance at Nebraska, it is clear that this team is missing all sorts of parts. They have not one big man down low that can demand double teams, rebound, or become a serious scoring threat. This is in year FIVE of Anderson's tenure at Missouri.
I would never advocate that Anderson be fired. He is a wonderful guy, solid coach, and an excellent mentor to the kids he brings in. The problem is that in-state recruits are literally running away from this program. The last two seasons, Anderson's top recruits have failed to qualify leaving gaps in scholoraships and players at Mizzou.
Yesterday on 810 AM, Doug Gottlieb floated the possibility that Arkansas will fire their coach at the end of this season and will "not take no for an answer" from Anderson. Now the last two seasons Coach Anderson has flirted with other jobs. In 2009 it was Memphis, and last season it was Oregon. Missouri upped his pay to keep him. Now what if Arkansas throws their SEC money at Anderson this off season? What has he done since 2009 to demand ANOTHER pay increase? This will be a difficult decision for Mike Alden if it comes to pass considering the lack of recruiting Anderson has accomplished in the past two seasons. I think Anderson should be allowed to walk if this occurs. Missouri is a solid program with great facilities which would lure any number of coaching prospects to Columbia. Maybe one who can land an elite recruit that lives in the state of Missouri.
-By Clint Switzer